Monday 4 March 2013

Away we go...

So, I thought I'd start writing a bit about my journey into running.  I've run for the past 7 years now, but only through necessity as it was part & partial to completing triathlons - a necessary evil, if you will.  However, in considering completing a full Ironman, I was encouraged by my loving husband (who we'll call an avid marathoner...), to run a full marathon first.  Considerably discouraged at first, thinking I could complete an Ironman, with less pressure at the tail end for the marathon (calculating, from previous race times, an approximate 7-8.5 hours to 'run' the marathon portion - *thank you Sportstats*).  Considering it further, I decided that was not likely going to be the case after swimming 3.8km, and cycling 180km.
So was born the thought, in October 2012, to running a full marathon within the next year - Niagara Falls International, to be exact, in October 2013. By some strange occurrence, I am presently signed up for Around the Bay in less than 3 weeks time (30k), as well as the Mississauga Marathon on May 5th...
In addition to a little whimsy on the blog (since I don't actually eat doughnuts), and more for personal logging than anything, I will be pouring my heart out, along with my achy butt, sore quads (and hips - right Lisa?), and slush-wet feet (on Gordon Street hill in the winter) to archive my adventures in learning to love running -- yes, my love, I have come to...okay, perhaps love is too strong...but definitely seriously enjoy running :)

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