Wednesday 6 March 2013

Wednesdays = Hills

So, I'm ready.  I haven't had to 'think' about it all day...I know I'm ready...I'm happy to see my friends, if not necessarily get to run 'with' them on Wednesdays - I know they are there, working as hard as I am, if not harder (yes Laurie, that means you tonight!) - it's hill night.  Gordon Street hill -- 500m up, 500m back down , 1.5km warm-up before, 1.5km cool down afterwards.  No, you're completely right, 500m doesn't 'sound' that far/hard/difficult...but you'd be surprised....First hill night was treacherous (thank you Lisa, for making us start hills two weeks earlier than anyone else)...second, and subsequent nights have somehow become 'enjoyable.'  I get to see my friends, working as hard as I think I am to reach their goals, to meet some level of internal 'PB,' to prove to themselves they can do just a little better (or for some, a lot better) than they did last time...and it's catchy.  Peer pressure can be a wonderful thing sometimes - whether it's your peers actually 'pressuring' you, or whether it's because you want to attain what they have, and can, that you inadvertently pressure yourself (somewhat) into pushing just that little bit harder.  Last week I managed, with warm-up and cool-down, to get 6 hills done...this week 7 - I was so proud :)  Felt good, and remarkably, the more hills I did, the easier they seemed to be - perhaps it was because I (surely) ran slower each time, by seconds, but yes, they did get easier, and while I 'slag' Laurie for doing 10 hills to my 7, I will work that much harder next week to get 8 or even 9 done before ATB...
Temperatures were amazing tonight for early March - stripped down to a vest and no mitts/gloves -- so motivating to see everyone out there with me on the hills -- different people, different life circumstances, different goals and motivations - same wants and desires, and expectations of ourselves...running alone, short or long, makes you strong and disciplined - running with friends, helps you gain perspective and increases your enjoyment and appreciation of each other -- you learn from each other, you help each other, you understand better...
Thank you to my wonderful spouse Jon, and all my running friends - you are, undoubtedly, a significant factor in my successes to come.

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